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Utter Devotion To Their Love

written February 5th, 2005

Within […] Much Ado About Nothing, A Handmaid’s Tale, A Doll’s House, Tess Of The D’ubervilles, and The Awakening, a […]

Christmas As a Tragic Hero (Faulkner)

written November 7th, 2004

As a predominant character, Joe Christmas contributes greatly to the motifs and larger themes within Faulkner’s novel Light in August.  As […]

Archetypes of Darkness in Conrad, Wright & Shakespeare

written December 5th, 2004

A darkness that Kurtz saw and was able to comprehend – in Joseph Conrad’s novel Heart of Darkness – is […]

Response to reading “The Joy Luck Club” by Amy Tan

written November 20th, 2003

Throughout the novel – The Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan – many cultural boundaries are created by the contrast […]

Response to reading “A Farewell To Arms” by Ernest Hemingway

written January 8th, 2004

One of the most predominate themes within Ernest Hemingway’s novel A Farewell To Arms, is the notion of life verses […]

Piecing Through Darkness In Anna

written November 8th, 2006

Ultimately, not a single character in Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina manages to escape the shadows of Anna, the entitled tragic […]

Animality of Personification

written March 11th, 2007

Khoma Brut travels in a carriage filled with Cossacks away from Kiev. Adopted by filmmakers, Gogol’s short tale ‘Viy ’ […]

Response to Article By Chloé Taylor

written April 21st, 2007

In response to the article: Hard, Dry Eyes and Eyes That Weep: Vision and Ethics in Levinas and Derrida Article […]

Silence (Aggadah)

written January 15th, 2010

Proceeding from thirteenth century Judaic readings of the Zohar, Gershom Scholem highlights the ongoing Jewish mystical traditions of the Kabbalists […]

Laramide Orogeny & Glacial Effects: Red Butte Formation (Aspen, USA)

written April 7th, 2004

Red Butte Formation and Surrounding Formations: Site: Aspen, CO. Date: 04-07-2004 When driving past the south-facing side of the Red […]

Remarkable Geology: Utah’s Gravel & Long Canyons

written April 21st, 2004

CEDAR MESA SANDSTONE: The Cedar Mesa Sandstone is the type of rock that will be most abundant throughout Gravel and […]

Karst Topography: Evaporite Subsidence & Limestone Solution Caverns

written May 27th, 2004

Karst Topography: Karst topography is any landscape that owes its topography to sinkholes. Karst topography often appears in rock formations […]

Glacial Outwash Terraces & Erosion by Water (Geology)

written May 4th, 2004

Outwash Terraces During a glacial period, glaciers move on account of gravity causing them to pick up loose rocks and […]

Federalism, National Bank & Death of Alexander Hamilton

written November 5th, 2003

Until 1800, when Federalist influences were finally wiped clean, our blemished nation remained, in great need of civil restoration. Federalist […]

Ratification of The Treaty of Paris

written February 12th, 2004

Following the Spanish-American War, debates over the annexation of the Filipino islands arose. The Treaty of Paris was passed in […]

Transformation of the Conservation Ideology..?

written March 4th, 2004

On January 22nd 2004, the White House announced its plans to begin oil leasing in the National Petroleum Reserve of […]

Civil Rights Movement During Vietnam War

written May 20th, 2004

During the periods of the Civil Rights Movement and Vietnam War, the United States Government had many situations surrounding its […]

Politics of Desire & Representation in Victorian Literature

written February 21st, 2005

Within the following works, Much Ado About Nothing, A Handmaid’s Tale, A Doll’s House, Tess Of The D’ubervilles, and The […]

The Ethical Martyr (Thomas More)

written February 6th, 2003

In the story of A Man for All Seasons, Thomas More is a man of true moral integrity. However, in […]

Psychosomatic Ailments

written April 23rd, 2003

Not only did World War I bring death and suffering, but also for many soldiers it brought psychosomatic ailments. These […]

Response to reading “Hedda Gabler”

written April 4th, 2003

Throughout the story of Hedda Gabler, our title character is found trying to control her immediate surroundings simply because she […]

Honor of God

written January 16th, 2003

The play of Becket is a story of titles. An account of one character’s struggle in a society in which […]

Fires, Brimstones & Faith in The Old Testament

written September 17th, 2002

God tests the faith of different characters throughout the Bible, specifically in The Old Testament.  Lessons framed by God, and […]

Civil Disobedience

written October 17th, 2002

What good is any law that does not represent the morals of the society that must live with them? At […]

Holden “Tragic” Caulfield

written October 22nd, 2002

In Greek literature, the theme of a “Tragic hero,” was quite common. From the numerous characters of the Iliad to […]

Marxism & Salvador Allende Gossens | Chilean Coup D’état: 1973

written November 11th, 2004

Living in Chile as a medical doctor, Salvador Allende was an avid supporter of the Socialist cause. During the years […]

James Madison on Manufactured Threats

written November 16th, 2004

Domestic events such as September 11th have the immense power of changing our lives to be led by fear. Our […]

Towards Nirvana | Zen as It Came to The West

written February 20th, 2005

To pursue a Zen Mind is to pursue a meaningful life through simplistic forms of mental practice. The Zen mind […]

Eastern Dogma | Between Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism

written February 13th, 2005

Despite the differences that naturally exist between the following three forms of Eastern religion, Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, as do […]

Terrorist Groups in The Russian State of Chechnya

written April 12th, 2002

The Russian State of Chechnya is located in the southern parts of Russia, directly west of the Caspian Sea in […]

Evening On a Farm Near Dikanka (Solomonovich)

written February 26th, 2007

In the film Evening On a Farm Near Dikanka, A Night Before Christmas is brought to life and is a […]

Embodiment of Music in “Jazz” by Toni Morrison

written May 13th, 2008

In Toni Morrison’s novel Jazz, point-of-view shifts through the first-person voices of the characters of the story. The narrative passages […]

Between Candles & Mermaids

written January 14th, 2008

T. S. Eliot’s poem of 1917, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” begins with an epigraph from the Italian […]

Caliban & Ariel

written January 14th, 2008

Caliban’s character is made into the fool of Shakespeare’s play “The Tempest,” where as such he moves through and among […]

Mirror’s Frame

written November 19th, 2007

As in Shakespeare’s play The Tempest, poetic essence and the conjuring poetic word – in Peter Greenway’s film version Prospero’s […]

An Education of Feelings For Nikolenka

written October 4th, 2006

By the end of Boyhood, Nikolenka has found a companion in Nekhlyudov, a friend of his older brother Volodya. Their […]

History of Traditional Shape Note Gospel Communities

written March 3rd, 2006

Song has always been compulsively unifying for groups of people. Many singing communities have existed throughout history, yet the roots […]

Post-Colonial Political Transformations in South Asia

written February 23rd, 2006

The impact of British imperial colonization left India with several geo-political characteristics. Such effects have to an extent prescribed the […]

Mode Apart: Indian Music, Western Understanding

written May 11th, 2006

The way different sounding music is made and heard in different parts of the world necessitates varying structures of sound […]

Seafloor Absobption

written December 6th, 2005

Greenhouse gasses raise temperatures of Earth’s atmosphere by absorbing the heat of the sun’s radiation.  Carbon Dioxide levels rose to […]

Excessive Volcanism (Terms, Definitions & Outline)

written November 16th, 2005

Terms & Definitions written November 16th, 2005 for article: Effects of Volcanism: K/T Boundary K/T Boundary The K/T boundary marks […]

Catastrophism vs. Gradualism (18th Century Science Debate)

written October 24th, 2005

Thomas Burnet, an ordained priest and published catastrophist, explained the origin of the Earth through the theology of his religion.  […]

Popular Cognition Revolution & Linguistic Reforms in China

written December 8th, 2005

In 1949, Communist rule began in China, and throughout the succeeding decades the country was transformed by communist reform.  The […]

In the Said Garden of Toulouse-Lautrec’s Sacred Grove

written May 5th, 2008

During the month of March in Paris, 1891, diphtheria bacterium infected the upper respiratory track of French painter Georges Seurat, […]

Gaelic Spoken in Decline: Irish Theatre and Colonial Provincialism

written May 26th, 2006

The decline of Irish language began in the seventeenth century. Today, it remains practically unwritten in Ireland’s literature, and is […]

Effects of Volcanism: K/T Boundary

written December 7th, 2005

The main effect of volcanism was emissions of toxic greenhouse gasses, gasses whose presence in the atmosphere created problematic conditions […]